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Ack'd 5/21

Orig sent Mr. Freer

Wrote Mr. Walcott.



Constantinople, May 6th, 1909

Mr. Charles L. Freer,
Detroit Michigan.

Dear Sir:-

I am in receipt of your kind favor of April 6th and in reply beg to state that I was only able to ship the pottery yesterday, as the officials of the Government Museum got a hint of it. They tried to put every obstacle to hold the shipment, and I only succeeded after applying to the American Embassy to ship it officially.

I enclose the Bill of Lading prepaid through to Washington, and I am sure that you will find the packing just as satisfactory as last shipment. Not knowing the freight charges at present, I will let you know the total expenses later.

Let me hope, that this shall not put an end to the agreeable correspondence I have with you and that you will avail further of my services when an occasion occurs.

With best regards, I remain,
Very truly yours, 
(sign) Roberto S. Pardo.