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Parke Davis March 9, 1915. George Hargreaves, Esq., Treasurer, Park-Davis & Company, Detroit, Mich. My dear Mr. Hargreaves: It is a pleasure to have your good letter of the 2nd inst. and to know of your safe return to Detroit after a pleasant visit in Florida. After the receipt of Mr. Bartlett's letter, I instructed my office in Detroit to remit to your office Frs. 48.10, being the freight on the ether from Havre to Paris. Of course, I want to pay this little item, and I appreciate, nevertheless, your kind offer to absorb it but this had better be arranged as above named. I am glad to hear that Mr. Ryan's health is perfect and that his injured leg is making good headway. His confinement, however, must be very tiresome and I hope, ere long, that he will be able to be about again. When you see him do give him my compliments and best wishes. My stay here seems to be benefiting my voice and the climate and general environment is very pleasant indeed. Believe me, Sincerely yours
Transcription Notes:
Reopened for Editing 2023-03-23 16:49:12
"being the freight on the ether from Havre to Paris"
Should ether be other?