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Parke, Davis & Company,

Detroit, Mich., U.S.A.
Walkerville, Ont.
Hounslow, Eng.

Home Offices and Laboratories, 

Detroit, Mich.

April 24th, 1915.

Foreign Branches.
London, Eng.
Sydney, N.S.W.
Walkerville, Ont.
Montreal, Que.
Bombay, India.
St. Petersburg, Russia.
Tokio, Japan.

American Branches,
New York,
Kansas City,
St. Louis,
New Orleans,

Cable Address,

Ansd May 19

Mr. Charles L. Freer,
c/o U. S. Grant Hotel,

My Dear Mr. Freer:

When Mr. Ryan was in London two years ago this summer he learned from Mr. F. M. Fisk's physician that Mr. Fisk was not in the best of health. Indeed he had evidence of this on two or three occasions when he made week-end motor trips with Mr. Fisk who seemed to become easily exhausted. The doctor confided the information to Mr. Ryan that Mr. Fisk was suffering from heart disease.

During recent months this trouble has been further complicated by a Dropsical condition and during the past ninety days it has been found necessary on a number of occasions to administer Oxygen to Mr. Fisk.

All this is preliminary to the painful announcement I have to make to the effect that Mr. Fisk passed away on April 10th at the Hyde Park Hotel, London where he had lived for a number of years.

In Mr. Fisk's death the Company list [[lost]] one of its most valuable executives. You probably know that he was sent to London to establish our business there thirty years ago and it is due chiefly to his indomitable perseverance, energy and business ability that we have made the wonderful headway that we have during recent years.

Soon after Mr. F. M. Fisk was sent to London his brother, Mr. H. J. Fisk went over as his [[strikethrough]] titled [[/strikethrough]] assistant and has been at his brother's right hand ever since. It was very fitting therefore that Mr. H. J. Fisk should be appointed to succeed his brother, F. M. and this has been done.

The other day I met Col. Hecker on the street and he told me that you were enjoying Southern California and particularly San Diego. My sincere hope is that you will derive much benefit from the change of air and scene.

Transcription Notes:
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