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Reproduction of Celebrated 
Volume No. 3 Publisher 

[[3 columned table]]
| Picture No. | Name | Artist |
| --- | --- | --- |
| 1. | Scooping the ear | Wang Chi-han |
| 2. | Peak and range scenery | Wang Foo |
| 3. | Scenery of the mountain in autumn & of the distant monastery | Ma Wen-pih |
| 4. | Straw pavilion between fir and bamboo trees | Shên Shih-tien |
| 5. | Autumn trees & dense bamboo | Táng Lu-ju |
| 6. | The autumn season | Shen Lou-lien |
| 7. | Lofty Mountain in autumn | Lan Tien-shü |
| 8. | Mountain & stream scenery | Wang Lu-tai |
| 9. | Mountain & stream scenery | Wu Mo-ching |
| 10. | Mountain & stream scenery | Wang Shih-ku |
| 11. | Travelling over a mountain & brooks | Yün Nan-tien |
| 12. | Fairy pavilion on a spring dawn | Wang Lu-tai |
| 13. | Mountain & stream scenery | Wang Lu-tai |
| 14. | Fishing on the maintain stream | Ga Ti Gze (a monk) |
| 15. | Stormy weather | Shih Chi (a monk) |
| 16. | Scene expressive of the sound of autumn | Yü Nan-tien |

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-24 17:10:35