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sculpture of my collection which, as it seems to me to be the culminating point of Chinese sculptural art will draw the attention of [[Whole?]] Europe and the States to the wonderful strength and craftsmanship of Chinese sculptors. It is a very large figure (1/3 over At life-size), modelled of lard, stone like clay, and glazed with the three glazes, brown, green, yellow of the T'ang period. I believe it to be the work of the 10th century although some Chinese friends put it earlier. 

A connoisseur like you will undoubtably appreciate the importance of such a work and the articles dealing with it.  

May I, therefore, hope that this proposal which I beg not to show to anybody, will be a sufficient introduction to you? Letters of friends might be necessary. I am known to Mr. F. St. Kershaw and Mr. Curtis of the Boston Museum, to Prof. Edward Morse, Salem, Peabody Museum, a special friend of mine is Dr. W.R. Valentiner, Curator of the Metropolitan