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Washington Building
1 Broadway

[[note]] Ansd July 11th [[/note]]

New York, N.Y., 

July 10th, 1913.

Dear Mr. Freer;-

Mr. Witherspoon, of the DeVinne Press called on me yesterday and submitted a sample book, bound up, of 72 pages, which would allow for the entire heading matter, as well as for the illustrations. He submitted it with a view of obtaining the opinion of the Committee as to whether the paper, form, &c would be satisfactory.

He stated that he had not made any attempt to enlarge the colored plates previously submitted, as the cost of doing so was very great, and with the possibility of changes to be considered, he preferred to wait until such time as a definite decision was arrived at as regards the amount of illustration to be done.

If you do not expect to be in New York for some little time, I would be very glad to forward to you by express the sample book, as well as Mr. Witherspoon's letter, so as to get your views, and arrange at as early a date as possible for a meeting of the full Committee. Hoping that you are quite well, and that I shall have the pleasure of seeing you soon, 

Yours very truly, 

Saml.T. Peters

Charles L. Freer, Esq.,
Great Barrington, Mass.

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