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#33 Ferry Avenue, East,
Detroit, Michigan.
February 16, 1914.

Mr. Samuel T. Peters,
Washington Building,
1, Broadway,
New York, N.Y.

Dear Mr. Peters:

Your good letter of the 13th instant reached me this morning, and I at once wired you as follows:

"I favor charging five dollars for illustrated catalogue. Think Professor Morse's action all right. Will subscribe for twenty five copies catalogue or double that number if necessary."

which I now confirm.

I am quite willing to subscribe for twenty-five copies of the catalogue and, if necessary, will double that number should we have any trouble in disposing of the whole edition otherwise. The price, $5., seems rather high I think but, in view of the quality of the book and the information given, we are, I think, justified, in asking the price proposed. As to charging twenty-five cents each for the ordinary hand catalogue, I will, of course, agree to whatever action your committee may take at its meeting to be held this afternoon.

As to Professor Morse's action, I think that we all should accept his decision in this matter without a "kick." He is responsible for the article written and, inasmuch as we permitted Mr. Hobson to select from the Chinese and Corean things only such objects as he believed to be as described by him, we could not consistently do differently with Professor Morse. Naturally, turning over the reins to the gentlemen named, makes them wholly responsible to the public, and I think that we were very wise in so doing. Of course a number of fine objects have been excluded from the exhibition but as neither of the writers felt positive of their identity, they hesitated to be responsible for assigning then to certain artists or periods and, inasmuch as the exhibition is given quite as much for educational uplift as for aesthetic delight, we should content ourselves with a smaller

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