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633 Ferry Avenue, East.
Detroit, Michigan.
March 30, 1914.

Dear Mr. Peters:

Your kind letter of the 27th instant, enclosing a note from Mr. Havemeyer, is here, and I am glad to have word from you and also to know what Mr. and Mrs. Havemeyer and Mr. Barney enjoyed their little visit here. Circumstances beyond their control compelled them to shorten their visit here to a very few hours so they really had only a glimpse of the collection. However, I enjoyed the time spent with them very much and wish it might have been longer.

Yes, I bought the circular, white vase of Huang, shown in the recent pottery exhibition, giving him $1,000. for the vase, which I feel was a proper price. He is indeed a very peculiar man; his manners are most unfortunate and I learned at our first meeting in China that fact but because of his scholarly attainments, I overlooked his conspicuous peculiarities and came very near bringing him to America to make translations for me, on deeper thought, I decided that it would be a mutual mistake and have never regretted the step. In fact in buying the jar, I was governed quite as much by my desire to help the fellow who is in a very bad way financially, as to add the object to my collection. 

Let me thank you for the kind wishes expressed for my health and let me add that today I am sitting up for the first time since Tuesday last when I was driven to bed by a pretty severe attack.

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