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[[note]] Ansd. Mar 9th [[/note]]

New York, N.Y.,

March 3rd, 1915.

Dear Mr. Freer;-

Pardon my not having acknowledged your postal at an earlier date. I can only say that I sincerely trust that you are winning out in your visit to the coast,and are now feeling much improved.

Things have been going on about as usual here; very little new in potteries coming into the market. Yamanaka & Co. had a most satisfactory sale,and Mr. Miya has already started for China. He hopes to be the early bird,as I do not believe any one from either France or England,or even Germany will attempt to go there this year.

I have added very few pieces to my collection. I think I wrote you I secured in Paris this year #9, which completes my full number,and I now have at least one piece of from one to ten.

I had a nice letter from Hobson yesterday,in which I regret to say he tells me before I receive same he expects to be at the front in the British army, having enlisted and is going

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