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New York,N.Y.,
April 12th,1915.


Dear Mr.Freer;-

Pardon my not having acknowledged your favor of March 9th at an earlier date and thanking you for your nice suggestions in regard to Loo & Co.

I bought some few things from them in Paris last year, and am pleased to say that I have purchased from them here four or five very satisfactory pieces,but not marked pieces.

I am also very glad to write you that I purchased twenty pieces from Duveen,of the Morgan potteries. I secured the fine pot which Hamilton Bell spoke of in his article,as well as one of the dishes and the two beakers. The largest one was a #8, and the one that had been cut off,while of the best quality,had been ground s o you can find no number.

There were only four other pieces of Sung,two of which were small pear shaped pieces and Duveen had given them to Mr.and Mrs.Weidner,one of a clair de lune and the other aubergeine; one dish and one bowl which he still has,but he made me such satisfactory prices on the others,and gave me the first opportunity of looking them over,stating that he would put the price and if satisfactory to me would be pleased to have me take them. And,if  

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