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Soc. of Arts & Crafts

Great Barrington, Mass., June 30, 1914.

Miss Helen Plumb,
66 St. Aubin Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan.

My dear Miss Plumb:

Your recent letter reached me here where I have been spending a few weeks, and in reply I am very glad to be able to assure you that my galleries will be opened for the accomodation of your friends, Miss Hewitt and Miss More, on such day in August as you or they may later decide. I am hoping to be in Detroit at the time above mentioned, but, as you know, am very uncertain owing to the condition of my health. However, Mr. Warring, my caretaker, will be there, and if I should happen to be away from home he will be pleased to show the ladies the collections in my care.

Wishing you a very pleasant visit to Wyoming, believe me,

Very sincerely yours,