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915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan,
December 4th, 1908.

To the Executive Committee, having in charge, the dinner to be tendered the - 
Honorable William Cotter Maybury.
Detroit, Michigan. 


I regret, that pressing engagement in the east, prevent my acceptance of your invitation, to attend the dinner to be tendered the, Honorable William C. Maybury, in celebration of his sixtieth birthday, on Tuesday evening next. In tendering this dinner, the citizens of Detroit are offering a modest compliment to a most worthy gentleman - a knight who has always carried very close to his generous heart, the higher interests of our country and city. His unbending loyalty and incessant devotion to Detroit in particular, is already a tradition launched down the coming centuries. Some of Mr. Maybury's work done in our midst, has been open long to the eyes of those who can see, but much of it has been accomplished in that quiet refined manner of his, which leaves no hint or trace. To this subtler, more illusive side of the work of our friend, I desire to pay tribute. I want to express my admiration for, and appreciation of, the sympathetic attention he has so generously given to the wants

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