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915 Union Trust Company,
Detroit, Michigan,
December 19th, 1908.

My dear Church:-

Your good letter of December 14th, reached me on my return from New York, and I regret very much, that my absence prevented me from calling upon the two ladies connected with Mr. Crane's company. I happen to know Mr. Crane very well, and I asked him yesterday, how to communicate with Miss Garrison, and through his kindness learned the local address of the ladies, but it was then to dark to show the ladies any of the objects in my possession. I, however, hoped for the pleasure this morning, but I learn, from a communication just received from them, that, because, of the Matinee they have to participate in this afternoon the visit to my house shall have to be postponed until such time as they may next visit our city-I hope for better luck next time.

Poor old "Pete". How solitary he must feel, still, probably the huge bottle of "Red Jacket" shown in your amusing illustration keeps off the wintry chill of the Catskills. I wonder if he longs for a motor car? I see by recent reports issued from Albany that a magnificent state road has been built from Kingston, practically to the door of our old friend Dutcher.  

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