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Mrs. Fenollosa-

During my recent absence, Professor Dow came to Detroit to deliver here a series of three lectures; this brought him to our city on Thursday last and he kindly used my home as his head-quarters during his visit here. I did not reach Detroit until Sunday morning so he remained until the evening when he returned to New York.  We spent the day together and enjoyed seeing the collection and indulging in pleasant reminiscence - it was touching indeed, to listen to the delightful references Professor Dow made to the late Professor Fenollosa and yourself.  He is a loyal friend and a gentleman of the finest type. During our conversation I told him of your kindness in permitting me to have the collection of slides, and this interested him very much, as he feels with me that the slides will be of great interest to students and the care-takers of my collection in future years. Professor Dow said, that he could use some of the slides to advantage in his future school work, and I promptly volunteered him the free use of such as he may desire to borrow hereafter of them.  Professor Dow appreciates this offer very highly and will avail himself of its privilege sometime in the future when all details shall have been arranged; in making this offer I felt that it would met your approval and that if Professor Fenollosa could be consulted, he, too , would approve.

Professor Dow is hoping that you will find important

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-29 17:51:54