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Mr. Canfield - 

exhibit your Whistlers in the future, should auspicious opportunities arise. I shall be most careful in exercising this privilege, and under no circumstances shall I every call upon Virginia for any of the treasures, unless in their exhibition, they can be assured of the proper respect and dignity. But all this, I know, you understand.

I look back, with much pleasure, upon your last visit with me, as do the few friends of mine who had the pleasure of meeting you at that time; they often ask about you, and they will, I know, be very glad to receive your message, which I shall deliver at the earliest opportunity. Currie, will I know, specially appreciate a word from you, he is still on the " ragged edge " working heroically to adjust the indebtedness of his firm; he stands up splendidly under the stress of conditions, and is hoping to get his affairs cleaned up during this year. I hope there is something very fine ahead for him, for he certainly is a very noble fellow.

Believe me, with all good messages,
Yours very sincerely,
Charles L. Freer

Richard A. Canfield, Esq.,
Hotel Gillow,
Mexico City,

P.S. Don't forget Currie if your plans materialize. He is a tremendous worker, a first class [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]] mixer, can do more than an army in overcoming obstacles and wants to join you - This is based upon a letter read from him since my situation above.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-30 00:27:31