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33 Ferry Avenue, East,
Detroit, Michigan,
January 16th, 1909.

Mr. H.R. Yamamoto,
The Toyodo,

My dear Mr. Yamamoto:-
Your letter of December 23rd, came this morning. I note that you written, concerning the pottery and should it eventually reach me, I shall be glad to examine the same fully.

The piece of pottery, by Kenzan, mentioned in your letter, probably is an excellent piece, but, you will find no one in this country who will be willing to pay anything near the price asked, namely, four thousand yen. Of course, your own countrymen pay very high prices for objects, because of their historical interest; in this country the leading buyers are governed by aesthetic qualities, and, in my judgement,no piece of pottery ever made by Kenzan, has aesthetic qualities, comparable with the potteries of other Oriental countries, which may be secured, at present, for far