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F. M. Fisk -

Kindly notify Messrs Wheatley & Company, to add upon the cover of the box, in addition to the address, as above:

"In care of the Collector of the Port of New York."

If, when these packages reach you, you will kindly cable me, at my expense, telling me of the receipt of the packages, I will send prompt remittance to Messrs Marcopoli & Company. My cable address is "Freer, Detroit, Michigan".

You are most kind to give so much attention to these matters for me, but I feel that "I am driving a free horse to death" and I shall write to Messrs Marcopoli & Company and find what pieces, if any, they expect to secure for me in the future, and if there is a likelihood of their getting more, I shall arrange to have the shipments forwarded in future directly to Messrs George W. Wheatley & Company, of London, thus preventing trouble on your part, and an extra handling of packages.

Believe me, with kindest regards,
Very sincerely yours,
Charles L. Freer