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33 Ferry Avenue, East,
Detroit, Michigan,
January 20th,1909.

My dear Mr. Vedder:-

Your good letter of January 5th, came this morning, and I am much interested therein. Surely your book, or books will, when completed, prove very interesting, and it seems to me, that you must find the work of preparation very attractive. Are the reproductions to be in colors or colotype? I hope the former.

I am glad, that you have decided to transfer the Vasa to my care; it is an interesting specimen and adds a note of importance to my collection. I have visited the Metropolitan Museum several times during the last three months and each time, when there, have had the pleasure of inspecting the Vase.

I have pleasure in enclosing herewith, draft payable to your order for Lires 2577.5, the equal of $500.00. In sending your acknowledgement of the draft, will you oblige me with whatever information you have concerning the Vase. I believe you have a letter concerning the Vase, from Mr. Smith of the British Museum. Will you favor me with this, or a copy thereof? Will you, also, tell me in what city you purchased the Vase, and how long it was in your collection? My object in asking for this information, is for the benefit of a descriptive catalogue, on which