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33 Ferry Avenue, East, 
Detroit, Michigan,
January 20th, 1909. 

Mr. Azeez Khayat,
366 Fifth Avenue,
New York City, N. Y. 

Dear Sir:-
This morning's mail, brings me your letter of the 18th of this month enclosing the photographs mentioned of seven pieces of Persian pottery, and I thank you for permitting me to see the photographs. It seems to me, that if the three jar are of fair size, the lot is work $1,000.00. Is there any way by which you can learn the height of each of the three jars? If you can do this within a reasonable time, and if the information so obtained, is satisfactory, I would be included to make the purchase, I feel, that I am somewhat familiar with the quality of the pieces, because my collection already contains specimens which, I fancy, were taken from the same place where you lot was found. it is, also, important to know, if the pieces are intact - I have no doubt they are cracked and more or less damaged, but if from either of the pieces any considerable portion is missing, that, of course, would greatly decrease their financial value. Perhaps it would be well to write your brother on these particulars and let him furnish you the information by cable; I presume you use a code for such purposes. 
Awaiting your further work, I remain,
Yours truly,
Charles L Freer

Transcription Notes:
Per advance instructions, "inst." should be written out as "of this month"