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Dr. Voretzch - 

of Chinese Sung painting. Dr. Headland, as you doubtless know, is connected with the Pekin University and has spent many years of his life there; he has a splendid collection of Ming paintings, which he is exhibiting in America and concerning which, he has delivered several interesting lectures. He think it is possible to still buy in China a considerable number of early Chinese paintings, done during the Tang, Sung and Yuan periods. Do you find any specimens of these schools in your collecting? Dr. Headland also thinks, that by remaining in Pekin a few weeks and making one's wants known, important specimens of ancient bronze can be secured there. What do you think of this statement? If I felt confident of securing thoroughly fine objects of these periods, I would be willing to devote several months to the experiment in Pekin. 
Business in America is improving and my countrymen, generally speaking, are delighted with the election of Mr. Taft. He is pretty sure to conduct the affairs of the Government upon very high plains. He will continue the best policies started by Mr. Roosevelt, and, I believe, will be a very strong factor in advancing American interests, especially in the Far East. Mr. Taft has a good understanding of the Oriental methods, and is blessed with noble intentions and unusual mental and physical strength. 
With cordial greetings to Mrs. Voreszch and yourself, believe me, 
Very sincerely yours,
Charles L Freer

Doctor E. A. Voretzch,
Consul General Germany,
Kong Kong, China.