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33 Ferry Avenue, East,
Detroit, Michigan,
January 25th,1909.

Edward Mallinckrodt, Esq.,
C/o The Pontchartrain Hotel,
Detroit, Michigan.

My dear Sir:~
Your letter of the 23rd of this month, enclosing a letter of introduction from our mutual friend, Mr. Bixby, reached me in this morning's mail, and I at once wired you -

"Shall be at home Wednesday and Thursday this week and glad to meet you. Hop yourself and son will dine very informally with me second o'clock Wednesday. Letter to new Hotel Pontchartrain formerly Russell House."

Which I now confirm. I am glad that I am to be in Detroit during the time of your present visit, and I should like, very much, indeed, to have yourself and son dine with me very informally at my house #33 Ferry Avenue, East on Wednesday evening the 27th, inst. I am a bachelor and will be pleased to have you and your son sit quietly at a simple little dinner. I am sure there will be interesting things to talk about, and I shall try to make the evening pass pleasantly.

As you know, it is a hard matter to do justice to the works of Whistler and of the artists of the Orient in artificial light, so, I hope, that you can arrange your business so as to give me two or three hours during daylight on either Wednesday or Thursday, as may suit you convenience best.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-30 08:17:14 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-30 09:27:30 Per the advanced instructions, "inst." should be written out as "of this month"