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33 Ferry Avenue, East,
Detroit, Michigan,
January 28th, 1909.

Honorable Horace N. Allen,
410 Valentine Building,
Toledo,, Ohio.

Dear Dr. Allen:-
Your kind letter of the 27th, inst., also the carbon copy thereof, addressed to my friend, Colonel Hecker, both reached me this morning.
I am much interested in what you have written, concerning the collection of Korean Art, made by your former colleague, V.C. deFlancy, of France. If you will be good enough to send me the detailed of his collection, I shall be very glad, indeed, to look into it very carefully, with a view of purchasing the same and adding it to your own collection, which came under my care some two years ago.
It will please you, I trust, to know, that the title to your collection above referred to, has already been transferred to the Smithsonian Institution, which is now the United States National Gallery of Art.
I may add, that for a long time, I have been wishing to see the Korean Art objects you still possess, (not with a view of purchasing, but merely as a student) but absence from America and a pressure of many matters while here has prevented. However, some day in the future, when it can be mutually arranged, I hope to see them.
Believe me,

Yours very sincerely,
Charles L. Freer