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33 Ferry Avenue, East,
Detroit, Michigan,
February 9th, 1909.

Mr. Adachi Kinnosuke,
C/o The Far East,
Detroit, Michigan.

My dear Mr. Kinnosuke:-

You will recall that one of the early numbers of the Pacific Era contained an article on my collection, written by Professor Fenollosa. I understand, that copies of the Pacific Era containing this article can no longer be had, and I frequently receive calls for the article. In view of this fact, together with an understanding had with Professor Fenollosa prior to his death, I have about decided to reprint the article upon handsome paper, by hand-press and with additional illustrations, in monograph form. I now write to inquire if you have any objections to my doing so? And, if I should reprint the article, if it would in any way infringe upon your rights, or that of the stock-holders of the original corporation which owned the Pacific Era? You will understand, that under no circumstances would I like to conflict with the rights of yourself or others.

Hoping to receive an early expression of your views on this subject, I remain,

Very sincerely yours,
Charles L Freer

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-30 09:33:08