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Doctor Webster - 

esting potteries recently recovered from ancient tombs. Over forty of these have just been added to my collection. In the midst of this important event, I received word through Mr. Allen, who eas the American Minister to Corea a number of years ago and whose collection of pottery I bought three years since, that the Minister from France, who was stationed in Seoul when Mr. Allen was there, is now ready to dispose of his collection, which includes one hundred and twenty specimens of pottery, along with an important mass of other Oriental objects. This collection, the owner is willing to sell only enbloc, with the understanding, that the bulk of it must go to some Museum. 
I have recently had an interview with Mr. Allen and am now in correspondence with the owner, and I deem it within the possibilities that the entire collection may come to me. IF this should happen, I shall not require any additional specimens of Corean pottery and I not feel indisposed to invest any more money in this direction, until a decision is reached with the French Minister. I may add, that he has lived in Corea, Japan, China and Siam for over thirty years and has just been retired bu his government. I am told, he is a man of fine taste and scholarly attainments and it would seem that during his thirty years of collecting, he must have secured, at least, some extraordinarily fine objects. I shall keep advised of future happenings in this direction.