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Dr. Allan - 

in America, but with nothing like the publicity shown in Paris.

Since seeing you, I have bought about forty pieces of Korean pottery all of the very finest quality and when I have the pleasure of seeing you at my home, which I beg will be in the near future, I should like you to see these pieces, and the prices I have paid for the same in comparison with the pieces purchased from you and the valuations I placed upon them after my return from the Orient year before last. 

I name these particulars to you simply as a bit of news knowing that it is having effects are [[?]] had with you; at the same time, I believe it will interest you considerably. 

Believe me, with kind regards,

Very sincerely yours, 
Charles L. Freer

Honorable Haram W. Allan,
[[418?]] [[?]] Building,
Toledo, Ohio.

Transcription Notes:
There seem to be quite a few words that are illegible due to potential water (or some other kind of) damage