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33 Ferry Avenue, East,
Detroit, Michigan, March 8th, 1909. 

Dr. Charles H. Caffin,
17 West Eighth Street, 
New York City, N. Y. 

My dear Mr. Caffin:-
After your recent visit here, I wrote Mr. R. A. Canfield who is spending the winter in Mexico, telling him, that I had consented to have a color slide made of his painting entitled, "Rosa Corder" for use with your lectures. A day or two ago, he acknowledged the receipt of my letter by telegram, approving of my action and telling me that he would be glad to have you also use slides of two other pictures owned by him, if you wished to do so. If the "Rosa Corder" has not yet been photographed, I think it would be wise to act upon Mr. Canfield's suggestion, that is, to have a slide made of three of his important Whistlers, the titles of which, are as follows: 
Arrangement in black and white - Miss Rosa Corder "
Symphony in gray and green - The Ocean "
Nocturne blue and silver - The Lagoon - Venice "
I take the liberty of handing you herewith, a letter to Mr. Canfield's house-keeper, asking her to permit your photographer to photograph three, instead of one of Mr. Canfield's pictures. 
Believe me, with kindest regards,
Very sincerely yours,
Charles L Freer