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Portland Art Association


Portland, Oregon,
October 10th, 1917.

Mr Charles L Freer,
No 33 Ferry Avenue, East, Detroit.

My dear sir:
As president of the Art Association, I take pleasure in quoting to you below the resolutions adopted by our board at its first meeting since the receipt of your gift to our Association:

"Mr Charles L Freer, of Detroit, having presented a fine example of Chinese Painting- "Wild Geese by a Lotus Pool"-believed by him to be a Ming copy of a painting by the Sung artist, Tsui Po, to the Portland Art Association:

"The board of Trustees of the Association do hereby desire to express to Mr Freer and duly spread upon the records of the Association their sincere thanks to Mr Freer and their appreciation of the fine quality of the gift and its useful character to a museum of art; and their earnest intention to so care for and display the painting that it may be of the most use to students of Oriental and other art. All citizens of the United States are indebted to Mr Freer for the gift of his magnificent collection, selected with such discrimination, to our nation, and in addition, this remote Association acknowledges this special and helpful contribution to its work."

With also my sincere personal thanks,
Yours very truly,
W. M. Laddy

Transcription Notes:
double check signature and typing ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-28 12:28:24