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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
March 13th, 1906.

Richard Rathbun, Esq.,
Acting Secretary, Smithsonian Institution,
Washington, D. C.

Dear Sir:--

Since my letter to you of January 26th I have been busily employed in preparing a descriptive inventory of the objects belonging to my Collections, which is to be filed with the officials of the Smithsonian Institution or the United States Government on or before April, next, in accordance with the terms of my letter to the President. I shall have a type-written inventory prepared and filed, as agreed upon, prior to the first day of April.

On reflection, I very much dislike to leave this descriptive inventory in type-written form, and I feel that for many reasons it should be printed. I have just consulted with our leading printer, who tells me it is practically impossible to do the printing prior to April 1st, and that he can guarantee to have the work finished in a thoroughly workmanlike manner by April 15th.

My letter to the President, containing the offer which was formally accepted by the Smithsonian Institution, states: That the exact form of the gift and the details for carrying it into execution are legal questions that can be agreed upon by counsel representing 

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