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Ansd Sept 19th [[image]] SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Washington, U.S.A. ALL CORRESPONDENCE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE September 15, 1916. Dear Mr. Freer: The latter part of last week I received a long explanatory letter from Mr. Platt which was very gratifying. I knew you would not wish to change the very satisfactory plans he has submitted, and thanks to your generous proposition there is certainly nothing to hinder their being carried out. It was a very wise suggestion to excavate and complete the foundation work this fall, which is always the best season in Washington for building operations. Mr. Baird, vice president of The Fuller Company, called upon me on Saturday and we went over the situation. He had an engagement out of town for a few days, but expected to be back by now. He will at once lay out the exact position of the building, put up the fence and begin digging. You may be sure that we shall give him all the assistance he may need, but The Fuller Company does not generally require pushing. I will let you know as soon as the ground is broken.
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Reopened for Editing 2023-03-28 14:38:19