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The Berkshire Inn
Sign of the Golden Lion
C. Ticknor & Son
Great Barrington, Mass.

Sign of the Golden Vase
The Court Inn
Camden, S.C. 

October 4th, 1916

R. Rathbun, Esq.
Asst. Sec., Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. 

Dear Mr. Rathbun:

Accept, please, my appreciative thanks for your good letter of the 2nd inst. and for the three fine photographs received under separate cover, all of which are very interesting and I feel that your energy with the spade could be equalled only by the steam shovel. My opinion of their respective speed harmonizes entirely with yours, but for your sake I am glad that the shovel run by steam has the major part of the excavating to do.  Many business details of the future, will, I fear, call loudly for your mental as well as physical energy, and I trust that you have a liberal supply in reserve.