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On this page I give a list of each as seems to me very desirable, and which are not in your collection nor ordered by me. I indicate by a cross items which are almost impossible to obtain

[[2 column table]]

| No. 1 (Heliogr.) | $10. |
|+ No. 6 Rec'd | 25. |
|+ No. 7 | 30. |
|+ No. 9 Rec'd | 20. |
|+ No. 10 | 30. |
| No. 11 | 30. |
| No. 17 Rec'd | 25. |
| + No. 18 | 30. |
| + No. 27 | 20. |
| + No. 28 | 25. |
| + No. 34 | 30. |
| + No. 50 Rec'd | 30. |
| + No. 58 | 30. |
| No. 64 Recd | 5. |
| No. 77 Rec'd | 10. |
| No. 82 Rec'd | 15. |
| No. 97 Rec'd | 5. |
| No. 112 | 10. |
| No. 123 | 10. |
| No. 129 | 10. |
| No. 130 | 10. |
| No. 137 | 5. |
| No. 143 | 5. |
| No. 145 | 5. |
| # [[strikethrough]] 148 my impression excellent (1st state | 24. | [[/strikethrough]]
# of this plate "Pines & Beeches" I suppose you have the published state though it is not in the Col.

| + No. 150 | $20. |
| No. 156 |  15. |
| + No. 159 mill  at Dordrecht | 75. |
| No. 160 Moor at Stolfheven | 75. Rec'd |
| No. 162 (?) Old Harbor at Flushing | 75. HMS has |
| No. 176 Recd | 10. |
| No. 197 Recd | 10. |
| No. 223 Red'd. | 10.|
| [[strikethrough]] No. 236 not wanted  | 10. so not ca [[/strikethrough]] |
| [[strikethrough]] No. 263 | 30. Have ac [[/strikethrough]] |
| [[strikethrough]] No. 274 (2nd state) | 20. [[/strikethrough]] do not |
| No. 282 Rec'd | 10. |
| No. 283 | 30. |

I am glad you returned No 46. The spot you mentioned I had not noticed, but I think there will be no difficultly in disposing of it.

I think I can get a copy of 172 (on white paper) i.e. an early proof. - Supposing I keep your copy for a possible exchange and charge you with the difference.

Yours truly Richard A. Rice

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-29 14:47:31 - wasn't fully transcribed - still need to finish last paragraph No. 159 is "Mill at Dordrecht" (currently hangs in Detroit Inst. of Arts Museum)