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[[top left corner]] 2 [[/top left corner]]

The price of the proofs sent to-day are as follows

[[right margin]] T.W.D. 8 
May 27/89-
[[/right margin]]

No. 42 = $30 x ✓
No. 43 = $30. x O
No. 109 = 5. x ✓
No. 131   5 x ✓   
No. 143   5 x O
No. 149  25 x O
No. 162. 60.x✓ paid to Mansfield. - the original price in addition x
No. 172 $10. ✓ 
By No. 46 ret.    40✓

Proofs not on approval
No. 259 $5 x ✓
No. 261 5 x O
No. 268 (8) 5 x ✓
No. 269 5? ✓
No. 270 10 x ✓
No. 271 10 x ✓
No. 277 10 x ✓
No. 295 5. x ✓ 55

You can return to me at your convenience such of these as you [[?]] [[?]] , or dispose of them to your friends if you wish it.

[[bottom left margin]] G. Hist. use these copies of such so I have one and Mansfield one, they are all the finest impressions selected by G. - [[/bottom left margin]]