Viewing page 7 of 53

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[top left corner]] 2/6 [[/top left corner]]
Proofs sent June 27th 89.

[[2 column table]]
|Greer records no. 9. X ✓ | $30 |
|Greer records no. 17 X ✓ | 30 |
|Greer records no. 37 X ✓ | 30 |
|Greer records no. 50 X ✓ | 30 |
|Greer records no. 55   ✓ | -- |
|Greer records no. 73 X ✓ | 10 |
|Greer records no. 77 X ✓ | 10 |
|Greer records no. 80 X ✓ | 20 |
|Greer records no. 81 X ✓ | 10 |
|Greer records no. 82 X ✓ | 15 |
|Greer records no. 97 X ✓ | 5 |
|Greer records no. 147 X ✓ | 10 |
|Greer records no. 211 X ✓ | 15 |
|Greer records no. 221 X ✓ | 20 |
|Greer records no. 223 X ✓ | 10 |
|Greer records no. 225 X ✓ | 20 |
|Greer records no. 242 X ✓ | 10 |
|Greer records no. 245 X ✓ | 5 |
|Greer records no. 282 X ✓ | 10 |
|Greer records no. 160 X ✓ | 90 |

[[left margin]] Pd July 3/89 $380 T.W.D. [[/left margin]]

Transcription Notes:
Not sure how to transcribe checkmark with slash through it such that it looks like an X