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Hempstead Austin Co. Texas
Oct. 25th 1865

I arrived here on Saturday the 21st inst. and immediately commenced an investigation of the business connected with this Bureau.

I found that thus far all agreements and contracts between the Freedmen and their employers had been drawn up and executed under the supervision of Lt. Quigley Actg. Provost Marshal for this district.

He seems to have had a great many dificulties to contend with but as far as it was in his power I believe that he has rendered justice to the Freedmen and their employers.

Although I have been here but a very short time I assure you sir that I have already proven my position to be no synecure, as I have already been called upon to render justice in numberless cases where difficulties have arisen between the employers and employees, none of which however were of a more serious nature than misunderstandings regarding previous contracts, or failures on the part of the Freedmen to fulfill them. 

But all cases that have come under my notice thus far have been settled satisfactorily

Transcription Notes:
SINECURE: a position requiring little or no work but giving the holder status or financial benefit. (original writer misspelled it as SYNECURE) ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-03 16:27:24