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which I execute. If you will authorize this I can make up my pay, and stay here and finish the work which I have begun. If not I fear that I shall be forced to either resign or go into some other business which will help me to support myself and family. I don't think that anyone here would find fault at having to pay a small fee to the Officer who executes their contracts  for they know that often times I do not get time to go out to dinner even on acct. of the business that is forced upon me. And I do not think that tis anymore than fair that I should have my pay made up to me. Especially as I am under the necessity of keeping a horse and the Q.M. will not even issue forage for him because "He has nothing to do with Freedmen." If the Bureau has got to be a self-supporting institution I certainly do not know of any person who has a better right to help support it that the Planters who get the entire benefit of the institution. 

The communications which you sent me to be forwarded to agents in the Country have all been started on their way and I have no doubt but they will be read in due time. Hoping to hear from you at your earliest leausure.

I Remain Sir Very Respectfully
Your Obedt Servt.
Geo C Abbott
Asst. Supt. of R.F. and A.L.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-03 21:23:52