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Head Quarters of Refugees Freedmen L.C.
Hempstead Austin Co. Texas Nov. 18th, 1865

To Lieut. Chauncey Morse
A.A.A.G. Galveston Texas


Having already [[tear]] a considerable time and having [[tear]] answer to my former letters I have [[tear]] that they have miss-carried and will repeat some of the questions propounded in my former communications

In the first place I wish to enquire of you wheather I am not to be allowed the same emoluments  here, that are allowed to Army officers of relative rank on similar duty.

When I saw Genl. Gregory at Galveston he assured me that I should draw from the G.M. allowances for Quarters and food, which would have helped me out considerably, but when I went to Houston I was informed by Capt. Garealon G. M. of that post that he would not even pay my "travel" unless I showed an order.  I told him that my "Orders" were my vouchers for having performed the specified Journey but I could get no other answer from [[him?]]