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Know all Men by these Presents:

That _, of the County of _ State of _ held and firmly bound to _ in the sum of _, lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which, _ bind _ heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, firmly by these presents, in this contract: _ of the first part, agrees and binds _ heirs, executors, administrators and assigns to furnish _ Freedmen, of the sec. and part, for and in consideration of specifications hereinafter stated, and those rightfully dependent on _, free of charge, with good quarters, fuel, food, and to be responsible for all medical allendanc incurred, and one acre of land, for agricultural purposes, and to pay _ per month, during the continuance of this contract, which commences this day, and expires on the _ day of _ 186_; to be paid as follows: _

[[?]] justify and kindly with _, guaranteeing to _ all the rights of a citizen, so far as the same are conferred by the Laws and Proclamations of the President of the United States; and that _ will not require _ to labor more than ten hors per day. All extra labor to be paid for as per agreement between the parties. And _ further agree to be just and honest with _ in all transactions, and to render _ all needbut and neccessary assistance in promoting _ mental moral and physical culture. 

And in the consideration of the faithful performance, by _ heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, of the obligations hereby assumed, and the punetual payment of the wages agreed of on as aforesaid _ agrees to faithfully and honestly labor for the said _ during the time hereto/one specified, only reserving to _ Saturday afternoons and Sundays, except when it is actualey necessary that _ should labor thereon, and to execute to the best of _ ability, all lawful orders or demands made by said _

And it is further agreed, That in case either of the parties to this Contract fail to comply with the requirements thereofre the the aggrieved party is hereby required to refer the question at issue to the Superintendent of Freedmen, for his investigation, adjudication, and final settlement. In testimony whereof, the said parties have hereunto _ affixed their hands and seals, this, _ day of _ 186_

_ [L.G.]
_ [L.G.]

Signed and sealed in the presence of _