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Hempstead Dec 9th 1865

The State of Texas 
County of Austin
Office of the Freedman's Beaureau

Before me the undersigned authority Personally came Reuben F Harris a citizen of the county and state above written bringing with him a Negro Girl by the name of Lucy and it appearing to me from a strict examination of the said Reuben F Harris and the said Negro Child that the Child has been raised by the said Reuben F Harris that she is happy and contented to remain with [[strikethrough]] the said Reuben F Harris [[/strikethrough]] Him and in his Family and wishes for no other Guardian or Protector and it farther appearing upon investigation that the said Rueben F Harris has ever treated said girl Lucy now about nine years old kindly that she has ever been well clad and fed and that he is well disposed to keep and raise [[strikethrough]] said Child [[/strikethrough]] Her in his Family 
and it is farther appearing upon investigation that said Child has no Parents living or if living that they are not present to claim [[strikethrough]] said Child [[/strikethrough]] Her or to take care of Her nor if she has any is their whereabouts known and the said Reuben F Harris as aforesaid being willing to receive said Child until she shall arrive at the age of [[strikethrough]] Twenty one [[/strikethrough]] eighteen years to feed and clothe her comfortably and to attend to her moral & physical wants it is hereby ordered by the undersigned authority in accordance with the Apprentice Laws of the State of Texas

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-04 11:12:36 This was COMPLETED with 25+ [[?]] and numerous mistranscriptions