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Mules, Saddles, Arms, &.c.
The work of Contracting goes bravely on, Blacks and whites come rushing in from Bottom and Prairie In one continual stream of amalgamation And I would like for those who say the "The Nigger won't work" to come here for a day or two, and I think that they would leave with the impression that Freedmen (in this Neighborhood at least) were anything but Lazy. I say they will work and if they work well they shall be paid well or I don't approve the contract. Those who don't believe they'l work need not hire them. There's plenty that are only too anxious to get them. The inclemency of the weather the last day or two past has prevented many from coming in to contract, but today the weather is fine and the Office crowded. I've done more good hard working and thinking in one months time here than I ever did in any three months of my life before. I am alone, and there is work enough right here now to keep three good smart men employed all the time. There ought to be two good smart Lawyers to do nothing else than just sit here from morning 'till night and answer questions. Let along the approvals, and long night rides to get to settle Plantation difficulties. Sometimes for a week I can't get more than one or two nights sleep, and have often ridden forty miles in the 24 hours besides attending