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Hd Qrs 29th U.S.C. Infantry
Ringgold Barracks, Texas,
Oct 5th 1865

Maj. Gen. Howard
Chief Freedmen's Bureau


Information has been received that this reg't is to be mustered out of the service.  This being thus, I shall, on being mustered out, hold myself in readiness to return to the regular work of the ministry, or labor in your Bureau as Providence may direct.  Should you have a field for me to cultivate where I could take my family it would accord with my present feelings.  Hon. E.H. Rollins M.C. from N.H. knows me personally and as a teacher in his city, also of my former official relations to the Common School interest in N.H.  I would most respectfully refer you to

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-06 12:15:08... these should not be marked COMPLETE until two or FEWER [[?]] remain. Additionally, do NOT indent for the headings, and DO NOT HIT ENTER at the end of lines. Left justify everything... else it gets all wonky when changing from landscape to portrait and back!