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The State of Texas,
Chambers County.

I, Peter Gibson,(freedman)do solemnly swear that I was the teamster that hauled the property of Anthony Hale and his wife Eliza from the premises of Judge William Chambers, that I hauled it one mile to the residence of Mr. Amos Shelton and helped to put Anthony's boxes &c in Mr Shelton's enclosure. when I was about to return Judge Chambers rode up and called Mr Coates and myself [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] as witnesses - he then asked Anthony and Eliza to state if he (Chambers) was oweing them anything. they both replied "You do not owe us anything, we have settled up". This was all said and done in the best of feeling and in the kindest manner. I further declare that Anthony and Eliza, before they left the premises of Judge Chambers stated to many of the black people, in my presence, that Judge Chambers had settled with them.

Given under my hand this 24 day of October 1865. of October 1865
Peter his X mark Gibson (seal)

Signed in the presence of
William Cooper
State of Texas
Chambers County Oct 24 1865.

Personally appeared before me Freedman Peter Gibson and solemnly made oath that facts stated within the above affidavit are true
Philip I Barziza
Chief Justice Cambers County 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-08 08:23:14