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Alleyton Colorado Co Texas
Novr. 20th 1865

We beg leave to make the following statements to which we hope you will give your earnest attention.

On Saturday 18th ins. an order was recv'd by the R R Agt. at this place prohibiting the further shipment of Cotton from this point, unless Receipts or Certificates from the Freedmen in the employ of the  Producer accompanies the Cotton.
This order seems to emanate from the Freedmans Bureau. The Agt. of the Bureau Mr J D Whitall was sent up for the purpose of investigating certain cases relative to the failure on the part of certain Cotton Planters to pay the freedmen in their employ.  Mr Whitall issued the above order, and is here for the purpose of giving permits to such cotton as is provided with papers agreable to the  above order.  We desire to call attention to the injustice of such a proceeding, for under the present circumstances parties who have paid up their freedmen, suffer alike with those who have not. We have in our charge about 400 Bales Cotton for shipment to Houston and Galveston. Many of the parties whose Cotton we hold, have sent the Planters Oaths to their Consigners below, supposing that was all that was required. But when the Cotton comes in it is detained here.  The Cotton belongs to parties mostly, who have bought from the planter. It is therefore

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-06 16:39:54