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Office of Sub Ast Com 
Millican Dec 20th 1865 

Sir Please find proceeding of the investigation of the case wherein John Eckles was charged with the killing of Freedman Kit, upon the testimony of that is herewith presented  I released him from arrest on the ground that he acted in self defence at the same time assuring him that if my decission was Approved he would not be further troubled trusting that my action may meet your cordial approval

I Remain
Your Obt Servt
W H Farner.
Sub Ast Comr

PS Will you be kind enough to state Gen. Gregory, that a certain Imboden has Done much to emberas the action of the Bureau levying Black mail upon Freedman and planters in some instances he has charged 3 Bales of Cotton for permits similar to the one enclosed I have taken a tour up the country and have effected settlement with the most complicated cases  if the Gen. will only consent to come up here and take a trip through the Country I will be happy to accompany him and I have no doubts but that we can do much good to the Freedman and undo the bad effects of imboden
Yours, &c Farner

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-05 09:31:27 Could be Imboden - a German surname. Could also mean someone living on the valley floor. Unsure if W. H. Farner is the correct reading of the Sub Asst Comr's name ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-07 19:21:49