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Hd. Qrs. Depart. of Texas
Galveston - Dec. 8, 1865

Respectfully referred to Maj. Genl. Mower - Com'd'g Eastern District - to know whether this officer can be spared from his present duties.

By Command of Maj. Genl. Wright
C.H. Whittelsey
Bvt Col. A.A.G.


Hd Qrs. East. Dist. of Texas
Houston Tex. Dec. 13" 1865

Respectfully refered to Comdg Officer 37" Ills. Infty. for the information required in endorsement from Dept. Head Quarters.

By Command of Maj. Gen. Mower
S. O'Reilly
Bvt. Maj. and A.A.A.G.

E. & M. #295

Hd Qrs. East. Dist. of Texas
Houston Tex. Dec. 15" 65

Respectfully returned to Department Head Quarters and attention invited to endorsement of Major Huntley Comd'g. 37" Ills. Infty.

Jos A Mower
Major General

Recd. back Dec. 14" 65
E. & M. #299

Hd Qrs Dept of Texas
Galveston. Decr. 24, 1865

Respectfully returned inviting attention to endorsement of Maj Huntley.

By Command of Major General Wright
T.L Haydn
Bvt Major A.D.C.

Transcription Notes:
Jos A Mower T.L Haydn (found in database as Hayden)