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I have no power either to prevent these abuses or punish the Offender. It must be obvious to you, General, as it is to me, that we cannot depend upon the Civil authorities of our State for sometime yet, to deal out Justice to evil doers. It is true, that I have appointed Civil Officers for the several counties, but in very many of them process could not be executed on any one of a gang of outlaws, who openly defy the Civil authorities, and in many of the Counties I am satisfied that Judges, Jurors, and witnesses would be in danger unless protected by the Military Authority of the General Authority. The appointment of Civil officers was more for the purpose of affording remedies to the Citizens for Civil rights, than in the expectation or hope of administering, with any efficiency, the criminal laws of the State. 

I am aware it is not the wish or intention of the Military to interfere with the Civil Authority, and I have witnessed with pleasure the great care which has characterized the conduct of all of the Military Officers. From General Sheridan down the lowest in rank in Texas, to prevent any collision between them, and if I have had, or shall have cause of complaint at all, I feel sure it will not be not because the Military assumes to much power, but the contrary - In Counties where there is permanent Military force to give protection to the courts, the laws may be enforced by Civil Authority. But in very many of the counties the [[strikethrough]] f [[/strikethrough]] effort would be but a farce, possibly a tragedy. I have no doubt it is the policy of the General Government (and which

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-08 11:24:16 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-08 23:33:20