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Office Asst Supt Bureau R. F. andn A. Lands
Marshall Texas November 4th 1865

Brig Genl E. M. Gregory
Asst. Com. Bureau of R. F. and A. Lands
Galveston Texas:

I have the honor to report that upon my arrival here to assume charge of affairs of R. F. and A. Lands, in compliance with orders received from You, I found that Lieut Charles. Stillhamer 8th Ills Infty had been acting as Provost Marshall of Freedmen in Harrison County Since July 1st 1865. under orders of Maj Genl Herson Commanding Northern Division of Louisiana, and under his directions contracts had generally been made by the Freedmen with the Planters throughout the county. Another Officer had been detailed at Jefferson for Marion County and a citizen appoint Agent for Smith County.  Applications have been made to me to appoint citizens as Agents in some counties adjoining Harrison County and I respectfully ask to be instructed whether such appointments will be made at all, or, if made, whether by Yourself, or some one authorized by You to make them. Heretofore all officers on duty in the Freedmens Bureau in this part of Texas have made their reports to the State of Louisiani, and experience has shown that little can be done in any County where there is no officer of the United States with a military force to compel obedience to the laws of Congress and the orders of the War Department. There are at present no troops stationed further in the interior than this Post, and the regiment now here expects to be mustered out soon. Should the troops be withdrawn from this place it will be impossible for the officers of this Bureau to remain here or for the Freedmen to protect their own interests. I respectfully request that You have a force ordered here by Genl Wright, and if possible a force of mounted men, as without them it will be impossible for me to reach any of the adjoining counties.  Any body of troops can easily reach here from Houston as the Rail Road is in operation from Houston to Navasota and there is a Stage road from the latter place to this over which the Stage is now making trips in a period of four days, the distance being in the neighborhood of two hundred miles. 

Contracts already made expire on the 31st of Dec 1865 and it will soon be time to make new contracts for the ensuing year. I send You a form of contract which I have taken with some alterations from the form used in Arkansas, and if You return it approved, with such amendments as You deem necessary I will adopt it in making contracts for next year:

No schools have yet been established and there will be some difficulty in obtaining a suitable place in which to have them, neither is there any suitable person who will undertake to establish a school.  If you have any