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Office of Sub Asst Com Bureau R.F. and A. Lands,
Marshall Texas, Dec 30th 1865,

Capt. A.A. Norse
A.A.A. Gen Headquarters Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Galveston Texas,


I desire to bring to the notice of the Asst. Com, and through him, to the Genl Commanding the Department of Texas, the condition of the country hereabouts, and the necessity which in my opinion exists for a greater number of troops, and a more general distribution of them in small garrisons, say one company in each of several counties towns. At Jefferson the county seat of Marion County one week ago two negroes and one white man was killed. and although the perpetrators were well known, no effort was made by the civil authorities to arrest them. and before the military could be notified at this place the murderers had escaped.  People are in a state of terror, robbery and murder are common. and the civil authorities are powerless, or refuse to act.  The authorities of the same county of Marion some two or three weeks since arrested a U.S. Treasurey agent and held him in defiance of the orders of Maj. Clingeman the commander of the forces in N.E. Texas. and until he was released by a guard of soldiers.  The county of Upsher is in the same unsettled condition and I enclose a letter from the Chief Justice of Upsher County which will show you how little chance the Freedmen have for justice there, and affairs are in the same condition