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Sutherland Spring,
County of Wilson
Nov. [[strikethrough]] Oct. [[/strikethrough]] 28th, 1865

Brig Genl Gregory
Galveston, Texas.

I received a letter yesterday dated Galveston Oct 23rd, and signed, Lt Chauncey C Moore, in which he informed me - as coming from you - that no citizens can now be employed in or for the Freedmans Bureau - As there are no funds to pay them.

Had my Friends been able to see you - you would have learned beyond a doubt that my sole object in asking the appointment was to enable me to ameliorate the condition of the Negro.  I have divined every feature growing out of our late and present troubles, and saw a vast field of action for any one who might have the courage to undertake it, within your Bureau.  Since 1st Aug last past I am and have been the only Judicial Officer within the County, and as such have largely contributed to the welfare and independence of the Negro.  My powers are merely criminal and Probate, yet - there is a continual stream of Freedmen flowing in to me, thinking in their simplicity that my powers are unlimited, and that I can redress their wrongs where parties owe them, should this ever reach you you may