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San Antonio Texas.
October 20th 1865.

General Greogery,
Chief of Freedman's Bureau,


I respectfully ask that I may be appointed to the position of a Sub Agent in your Department for Fayette or Caldwell Co Texas. My only claims are a Service over fifteen years in the service of my Country, and twice wounded in our late struggle. the Genl in charge of the Bureau I have served under at Fredericksburg when I was wounded, leaving California at the commencement of the War, I have shared with the Army its Defeats & Glory.

I have the honor to be Sir
Your Obdt. Servant. 
B.J. McMahon
late Captain Baker's California Regt.
71st Pa Yr.
2nd Brig. 2nd Div. 2nd. Army Corps.

Transcription Notes:
Battle of Fredericksburg Over one third of the regiment was lost occupying a position all day in the open close to Confederate entrenchments. Lieutenant Benjamin F. Hibbs was mortally wounded, Lieutenant B. J. McMahon was wounded, and Lieutenant Stiles Boughton was captured. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-05 10:41:01