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considerable growling from those who try to cheat the negroe out of his labor.

Many of the colored have allready provided themselfes with homes, many have hired themselfs to Germen & Bohemians. at least one half of the white population consists of this class in Colorado, Austin, Fayette & Washington Counties.  The negroes in this part seem to have a general desire to leave their old homes and hunt new ones, and it is also appearend that the negroe will rather work for low wages among the Germen population, then to take high prices from their former owners where they dont feel "free"

Lt. Col. H.B Dox Com'd'g 12 Illinois Cav'lry on his march to Eagle Lake came through this section of country, and as I learned that his forces were to assist the Labor Bureau, I had a conversation with him; and he handed to me a circular No 2 dated Galveston Dec 5th '65 signed by you.  My name was not on the list of authorized Agents.  and so I am at a loss what to do at present or in future.  However as some of the Justices of Peace have taken the liberty to execute and approve Contracts with freedmen

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-06 12:37:35